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Our Tax Rate Centre includes a summary of the most important tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2024/2025.

It is not intended to cover every aspect of this year's tax figures and is designed to act as overview only. No liability is accepted for any action taken or refrained from in consequence of its contents. Advice should always be sought from a professional.

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Band & Rates 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Basic Rate - income up to £37,700 £37,700
Main Basic Rate 20% 20%
Savings Basic Rate 20% 20%
Default Basic Rate 20% 20%
Starting rate for savings income 0% 0%
Starting Rate limit (saving income) £5,000 £5,000
Dividend ordinary rate – for dividends otherwise taxable at the basic rate 8.75% 8.75%
Higher Rate - income over £37,700 £37,700
Main Higher Rate 40% 40%
Savings Higher Rate 40% 40%
Default Higher Rate 40% 40%
Dividend upper rate – for dividends otherwise taxable at the higher rate 33.75% 33.75%
Additional Rate - income over £125,140 £125,140
Main Additional Rate 45% 45%
Savings Additional Rate 45% 45%
Default Additional Rate 45% 45%
Dividend additional rate – for dividends otherwise taxable at the additional rate 39.35% 39.35%
Trustee's Income
Standard rate on first £1,000 of income which would otherwise be taxable at the special rates for trustees Up to 20%, depends on the type of income Up to 20%, depends on the type of income
Trust Rate 45% 45%
Dividend Trust Rate 39.35% 39.35%
Income Tax Allowances 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Personal Allowance £12,570 £12,570
Income limit for Personal Allowance £100,000 £100,000
Income limit for married couples’ allowance £37,000 £34,600
Maximum Married couple’s allowance for those born before 6 April 1935  £11,080 £10,375
Minimum Married couple’s allowance for those born before 6 April 1935  £4,280 £4,010
Blind persons allowance £3,070 £2,870
Rent a room relief allowance £7,500 £7,500
Transferrable Marriage Allowance £1,260 £1,260
Dividend Allowance £500 £1,000
Personal savings allowance for basic rate taxpayer £1,000 £1,000
Personal savings allowance for higher rate taxpayer £500 £500
National Minimum Wage (Category of worker) Hourly Rate
Aged 21 and above (national living wage rate £11.44
Aged 18 to 20 inclusive £8.60
Under 18 (but above compulsory school leaving age) £6.40
Apprentices aged under 19 £6.40
Student Loan Recovery (Rate of threshold) Figures to use 2024/2025
Employee earnings threshold for Plan1 1 £24,990 per year
£2,082.50 per month
£480.58 per week
Employee earnings threshold for Plan2 2 £27,295 per year
£2,274.58 per month
£524.90 per week
Employee earnings threshold for Plan 4 £27,660 per year
£2,305 per month
£531.92 per week
Student loan deductions 9%
Employee earnings threshold for Postgraduate Loan £21,000 per year
£1,750 per month
£403.84 per week
Postgraduate loan deductions 6%
Class 1 NICs: Employee and Employer rates and thresholds per annum 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Lower Earnings Limit (LEL) £6,396 £6,396
Primary Threshold (PT) £12,570 £12,570
Secondary Threshold (ST) £9,100 £9,100
Freeport Upper Secondary Threshold £25,000 £25,000
Upper Earnings (UEL) £50,270 £50,270
Upper Secondary Threshold for U21’s £50,270 £50,270
Apprentice Upper Secondary Threshold (AUST) for under 25s £50,270 £50,270
Employment Allowance (per employer) £5,000 £5,000
Employee's (Primary) Class 1 NIC Rates
Below LEL N/A N/A
LEL - PT 0% 0%
PT - UEL 8% 13.25% / 12%
Above UEL 2% 3.25% / 2%
Employer's (Secondary) Class 1 NIC Rates
Above Secondary Threshold 13.80% 13.80%
Above AUST 13.80% 13.80%
Class 2 NICs: Self-employed rates and thresholds per week 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Small Profits Threshold (SPT) £6,725 £6,725
Annual profits
Below SPT £3.45 (Voluntary) £3.15 (Voluntary)
Above SPT £0 £3.15
Special Class 2 rate for share fishermen £0 £4.10
Special Class 2 rate for volunteer development workers £0 £6.15
Class 3 NICs: Other rates and thresholds per week 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Voluntary contributions £17.45 £17.45
Class 4 NICs: Self-employed rates and thresholds per year 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Lower Profits Limit (LPL) £12,570 £12,570
Upper Profits Limit (UPL) £50,270 £50,270
Below LPL 0% 0%
LPL to UPL 6% 9%
Above UPL 2% 2%

Car Benefits

The taxable benefit is calculated as a percentage of the list price of the car, on the day before it was first registered, plus certain accessories. This percentage depends upon the rate at which the car emits carbon dioxide (CO2), and the fuel type.

Income Tax Allowances 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Car fuel benefit charge multiplier £27,800 £27,800
Van fuel benefit charge £757 £757
Van benefit charge £3,960 £3,960


The basic and new State Pensions was uprated in line with CPI inflation in 2023/24. The pension rates for 2024/25 will be:

• For those who reach State Pension age on or after April 6: £221.20 up from £203.85 

• The basic state pension: £169.50 per week up from £156.20

Basic state pension 20234/ 2025 2023 / 2024
Single person per year £8,814.00 £8,122.40
Spouses/civil partners per year £5,280.60 £4,867.20
Maximum age for tax relief 74 74
Minimum age for taking benefits 55 55
Lifetime allowance charge – lump sum paid % 55%
Lifetime allowance n/a
Annual allowance £60,000 £60,000
Maximum tax-free lump sum 25% 25%
Money Purchase Annual Allowance £10,000 £10,000
Threshold Income Limit £200,000 £200,000
Tapered Annual Allowance (applies when an individual has ‘adjusted income’ over this amount provided the ‘threshold income’ test is met) £260,000 £260,000
Lumpsum allowance £268,275 0
Lumpsum and death benefit allowanace £1,073,100
Group 2024 / 2025 2023 / 2024
Main rates for individuals 10% / 20% 10% / 20%
Rates for individuals (for gains on residential property not eligible for Private Residence Relief) 18 % / 24% 18 % / 28%
Rates for on gains on ( carried interest) 18 % / 28% 18 % / 28%
Main rate for trustees and personal representatives 20% 20%
Rate for trustees and personal representatives (for gains on residential property not eligible for Private Residence Relief) 24% 28%
Rate for personal representatives for gains on carried interest 28% 28%
Annual exempt amount (AEA) for individuals and personal representatives £3,000 £6,000
AEA for most trustees 1,500 £3,000
Rate on gains subject to business Asset Disposal Relief 10% 10%
Rate on gains subject to investors’ relief 10% 10%
Business Asset Disposal Relief (previously known as Entrepreneurs’ relief): lifetime limit on gains for entrepreneurs £1,000,000 £1,000,000
Investors’ relief: separate lifetime limit on gains for external investors £10,000,000 £10,000,000
Financial Year 2022 to 2023 Financial Year 2023 to 2024 Financial Year 2024 to 2025
Plant and machinery: main rate expenditure 18% 18% 18%
Plant and machinery: special rate expenditure 6% 6% 6%
Structures and Buildings Allowances(SBA) 3% 3% 3%
Structures and Buildings Allowances(SBA)-Investment zone 10% 10% 10%
Annual Investment Allowance £1million £1million £1million
First Year Allowance 100% 100% 100%
Full Expensing: Main rate expenditures 0% 0% 100%
Full Expensing: Special rate expenditure 0% 0% 50%
R&D tax credits SME scheme 230% 230% 230%
R&D SME payable credit 14.50% 14.50% 14.50%
R&D Expenditure Credit 13% 13% 13%
Patent Box 10% 10% 10%
Film tax relief 25% 25% 25%
High-end TV tax relief 25% 25% 25%
Videogames tax relief 25% 25% 25%
Open ended investment companies and authorised unit trusts 20% 20% 20%
Main rate- for profits above £250,000 19% 25% 25%
Small profit rate- Companies with profits of £50,000 or less. 19% 19% 19%
Small profit limit £50,000 £50,000
Marginal rate limit £250,000 £250,000
Marginal relief fraction 3/200 3/200
VAT Rates April 2024/2025 April 2023/2024
Standard Rate 20% 20%
VAT Fraction 1/6 1/6
Reduced Rate 5% 5%
Zero Rate 0% 0%
Temporary reduced rate for hospitality and tourism sector 20% 20%
Taxable Turnover Limits Amounts
Registration - from 1April 2024 £90,000 £85,000
Deregistration - from 1 Aperil 2024 £88,000 £83,000
To join Cash accounting scheme - up to £1,350,000 £1,350,000
To leave Cash accounting scheme - more than £1,600,000 £1,600,000
To join Optional flat rate scheme - up to £150,000 £150,000
To leave Optional flat rate scheme - more than £230,000 £230,000
To join Annual accounting scheme - up to £1,350,000 £1,350,000
To leave Annual accounting scheme - more than £1,600,000 £1,600,000
Standard threshold£325,000£325,000
Residence nil rate band limit£175,000£175,000
Taper threshold for residence nil-rate band£2,000,000£2,000,000
Rate of tax on balance:  
Chargeable lifetime transfers20%20%
Transfers on, or within 7 years of, death40%40%
Reduced Rate36%36%


All lifetime transfers not covered by exemptions and made within seven years of death will be added back into the estate for the purpose of calculating the tax payable. Tax attributable to such transfers is then reduced:

Years before death0 - 33-44-55-66-7
Tax paid40%32%24%16%8%


Main Reliefs

Business Property%
Business or interest therein100%
Qualifying shareholdings in unquoted* companies100%
Shares controlling more than 50% of the voting rights in a listed company | Land, buildings or machinery owned by the deceased and used in a business they were a partner in or controlled | Land, buildings or machinery used in the business and held in a trust that it has the right to benefit from50%
Agricultural property50% or 100%

* Unquoted companies include those listed on AIM

Stamp Duty Land Tax – Non-residential Property
Property Value Rate on or after 17 March 2016 (on portion of value above threshold)
0 to £150,000 0%
£150,000 to £250,000 2%
Over £250,000 5%
Net Present value (NPV) of the Lease Rate on or after 17 March 2016 (on portion of value above threshold)
0 to £150,000 0%
£150,000 to £5 million 1%
£5 million + 2%
Stamp Duty Land Tax – Residential Property - Standard rates from 23th September 2022 to 31 March 2025
Property Value Rate (on portion of value above threshold) Rate (on portion of value above threshold) if purchase is of an additional residential property Rate (on portion of value above threshold) on or after 1st April 2021 if purchase is of residential property by certain non-UK residents Rate (on portion of value above threshold) if purchase is of an additional residential property and by a certain non-UK resident
0 to £250,000 0% 3% 2% 5%
£250,000 to £925,000 5% 8% 7% 10%
£925,000 to £1.5m 10% 13% 12% 15%
Over £1.5 million 12% 15% 14% 17%
Property Value Rate (on portion of value above threshold) Rate (on portion of value above threshold) if purchase is of an additional residential property Rate (on portion of value above threshold) on or after 1st April 2021 if purchase is of residential property by certain non-UK residents Rate (on portion of value above threshold) if purchase is of an additional residential property and by a certain non-UK resident